Human Performance Experts

Do You Want to Unlock the Performance of Your Sales Team?

Let us train your team in the latest cutting-edge tools and technologies that will empower them personally and professionally.

Human Performance Experts

Do You Want to Unlock the Performance of Your Sales Team With The Sales Enabler?

Let us train your team in the latest cutting-edge tools and technologies that will empower them personally and professionally.

Remove fear

Regulate the nervous system

Increase performance

These Common Fears Reduce Sales Performance

Unlocking Your Team’s Potential

Unleash the boundless potential within each member of your sales team with our transformative coaching system. We specialise in removing barriers and fears that hinder their sales success, allowing them to embrace their unique gifts and talents fully. Our personalised approach and unique coaching tools ensure that each team member receives individually tailored guidance, so they can say goodbye to self-doubt and hesitation as they embark on an empowering journey towards sales mastery.

Maximising the ROI of Existing Training

Maximise the returns on your previous and current training investments by empowering your team members to embrace their authentic selves. With this newfound confidence, they can implement all the valuable lessons learned from previous training sessions without any inhibitions, leaving them poised to drive greater success for your organisation.

A Super Powered Salesforce

How do we do this?

Just like Superman, everyone has their Kryptonite, the thing that diminishes their natural powers. And when it comes to sales, Kryptonite is a combination of the disempowering fears and beliefs that a person holds. Fortunately, we have some of the best tools on the planet for effecting rapid and lasting change in both of those areas. This, in turn, makes a huge difference in the way people show up and operate.

Imagine how much better your team would perform if you simply took away these common fears!

Just like Superman, everyone has their Kryptonite, the thing that diminishes their natural powers. And when it comes to sales, Kryptonite is a combination of the disempowering fears and beliefs that a person holds. Fortunately, we have some of the best tools on the planet for effecting rapid and lasting change in both of those areas. This, in turn, makes a huge difference in the way people show up and operate.

Imagine how much better your team would perform if you simply took away these common fears!

1. Fear of Rejection / Hearing No

The dread of rejection is a formidable obstacle for many sales professionals. Constantly hearing “no” can wear down even the most seasoned sellers, leading to self-doubt and reduced confidence.

2. Fear of Cold Calling

Making unsolicited calls to strangers can evoke anxiety in salespeople of all levels. The uncertainty of how prospects will respond can make cold calling a daunting task, hindering effective outreach efforts.

3. Fear of Asking for Money

Many salespeople struggle with asking for payment or discussing financial aspects of a sale. The fear of appearing pushy or being rejected based on pricing discussions can hinder closing deals and negotiating terms.

4. Fear of Not Knowing Enough

Sales effectiveness relies on a deep understanding of products or services, leading some salespeople to fear they lack the knowledge to address prospects’ questions or objections. This fear of inadequacy can hinder their ability to engage effectively with potential customers.

5. Fear of Pushiness

Balancing assertiveness with perceived pushiness is a common concern for sales professionals. The fear of being too aggressive and potentially alienating prospects can lead to hesitancy in sales interactions.

6. Fear of Financial Insecurity

Sales roles typically involve income variability, especially for those on commission-based pay structures. The fear of financial instability can lead to stress and anxiety, impacting sales performance and job satisfaction.

7. Fear of failure

Sales success is often tied to meeting or exceeding targets, a pressure that can trigger fear of failure among sales professionals. Concerns about falling short of expectations can undermine confidence and motivation.

8. Fear of What Other People Think

Concerns about others’ perceptions can weigh heavily on salespeople, affecting their confidence and performance. Fear of judgment from colleagues or superiors can inhibit assertiveness and decision-making in sales interactions.

9. Fear of Public Speaking

For many sales professionals, the fear of public speaking can be paralyzing. Whether it’s presenting to a large audience or leading a sales meeting, the pressure to perform well in front of others can evoke anxiety and self-doubt. This fear can hinder effective communication and presentation skills, impacting the ability to engage and persuade potential clients. Overcoming the fear of public speaking is essential for sales professionals to confidently convey their message and build rapport with prospects.

10. Fear of Competition

Sales environments are often highly competitive, intensifying feelings of inadequacy among sales professionals. Comparing themselves to more experienced or successful peers can trigger self-doubt and hinder performance.

11. Fear of Inauthenticity

Authenticity is crucial in building trust with prospects, yet some salespeople fear they must adopt a persona that feels disingenuous to them in order to succeed. This fear of inauthenticity can erode confidence and hinder rapport-building efforts.

Don’t take our word for it.

Over the years, we’ve worked with 100’s of people, training them how to regulate their nervous systems and set themselves free from the fears and beliefs that were holding them back in life. Here are just a few of them.

I’ve never been a fan of cold calling and it used to fill me with dread. I used to have to push through and just make the calls anyway, but I knew that I wasn’t being as good as I could be as I wasn’t being myself.

Doing the session was amazing and so simple. It didn’t end up being connected to anything I could remember, but I felt so different when I’d worked on the fear.

After the session I had zero fear around cold calling and now I just pick up the phone with ease, and really enjoy connecting with the person I’m calling.

Christine Neale

Telelsales Agent

Before my session with Tim my fear of flying had got to such a point that I was worrying about it weeks before the holiday and that eventually grew to hardly being able to step onto the plane before takeoff and mild panic all the way there. Once we were on holiday it didn’t take long before the fear began all over again thinking about the return journey only this time it was spoiling expensive holidays I should have been enjoying while relaxing.

Once with Tim for the session I felt very at ease and calmed by him. I found the process itself very relaxing and enjoyable. The climax being the success of not being able to even conjure up the gut wrenching feeling that just thinking about flying brought on.

Since the session I have flown 4 times, twice being long haul 9-11 hour flights to India that I never thought I’d ever be able to deal or cope with and yet I was perfectly okay and calm throughout as my fear of flying has completely gone.

Tom Lyn

Network Engineer

I’ve always been a highly strung person and easily stress over anything. I would always wonder how I would interact with people in groups or in a meeting, and get extremely worried even before I entered the room. I used to argue with myself all the time about the smallest things, and worked up situations in my head, and really made things worst for myself than they really had to be.

The process is really simple,I liked the fact that you explained all about it and how it came about. You started with the most simple technique and it worked straight away. The session felt really positive and I could see a clear difference at work the next day.

I wanted to gain more confidence in not just myself, but the way I handled myself in certain situations, and it definitely worked. I’m still the same person, but feel I can handle tougher situations with a lot less worry and stress. I’ve also noticed that the thought of walking into a room full of people (which used to petrify me) is not so much of an issue now. After a session last week I spoke in front of 15 people and had no issue talking to them all.

Steve Deighton

Gas Boiler Salesman

Sounds great, but will it work for us?

 It’s completely understandable to have doubts, especially when it comes to promises made online. That’s why we’ve tailored a special offer just for you.

With over ten years of expertise and a track record of assisting over a thousand individuals, we’re confident in the efficacy of our coaching process. So, with that in mind, here’s our proposal….

Let us tackle the two most prominent fears of one member of your team at no charge whatsoever. Once we showcase our ability to alleviate those fears, we simply ask for the chance to extend our services to the entire team. It’s a risk-free opportunity for you to witness the impact firsthand. What do you say?

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